Världs-WIZO:s ordförande har ordet
Dear chaverot, WIZO members and supporters around the world,
As tensions in the Middle East reach an all-time high and an attack on Israel is likely imminent, we want to assure you that our professional WIZO team is prepared and equipped to handle an emergency situation as much as is possible.
The security and wellbeing of everyone in our care — babies, children, youth, women, the elderly and of course, our staff, is our #1 priority.
Since October 7th, we created a crisis management team that has been implementing new and enhanced emergency procedures in each and every one of our institutions, including at WIZO headquarters. This past weekend, the crisis team met to review and finetune all protocols in light of the increasingly heightened threat.
- All of our educational institutions and women’s shelters are equipped with food, water, supplies, cash, and generators for 72 hours, according to the government’s official guidelines, in case of extreme scenarios with disruptions in communication and infrastructure.
- All WIZO institutions (education, daycare centers, shelters, headquarters, branches etc.) are trained for emergency situations with assigned bomb shelters, evacuation plans, designated points of contact, and clear guidelines for decision-making in real time.
- Representatives of our crisis management team are in regular and direct contact with local and national authorities, and receive updates about the current situation from various government ministries as well as Homefront Command.
- WIZO has prepared precise internal distribution lists and dedicated communication channels for the purpose of quickly and efficiently conveying urgent information and instructions for maximum safety.
- Business continuity (DR): WIZO has prepared emergency servers in case the servers at WIZO headquarters are damaged in an attack. Employees have been trained and tested in the past few weeks to transition to a DR work environment in order to continue operating and providing services as best as possible.
We have done everything to prepare for the worst, but we pray for the best.
Thank you for your concern and continued and essential support for WIZO and Israel during this distressing time.
Anita Friedman
World WIZO Chairperson